Lomi Lomi Massage


Enjoy the authentic Hawaiian music.

I invite you to slow down and linger a while. Imagine a beautiful sunset. Feel the warmth of gentle breezes, and sun on your face. Hear the mighty roar of the ocean waves. Smell the delicate fragrance of tropical flowers.

Welcome to PARADISE!

I am truly honored to offer you the touch and spirit of ALOHA through Lomi Lomi massage!

It's traveled all the way from Hawaii, in the tradition of Aunty Margaret Machado, a well known Lomi Lomi Master on the Big Island.

Lomi Lomi bodywork is rhythmic and flowing, much like a dance. The attitude that pervades the session is one of love and reverence. The specific strokes, using fingers, hands ("firm, yet like rain falling on smooth stone") and forearms, are faster than Swedish Massage and slower than Sports Massage. A light, natural oil is used to facilitate the invigorating glide. Careful stretching, compression and movement of body parts are also incorporated, as is deeper work, when needed.

The session, complete with beautiful Hawaiian visuals and sounds, is $150, and lasts at least 80 minutes. The recipient of the bodywork feels stimulated, soothed and nurtured.

Call me today at (407) 310-8598 for more information or to schedule your Island get-away!

Mahalo nui loa!

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